Friday 14 December 2012

Shooting & Location & Set

For our thriller we have decided to shoot in the studio. Originally we wanted to have two sets, a secretary office and the detectives office but instead we decided to only have one, and place all energy and money into that one set to try and make it realistically close to a detectives office of the 1940's. We found this picture online of what we think is the ideal look of our office. Firstly we want our office to have big wooden furniture, a massive desk with many drawers, we think this will give the old fashioned look. The office should definitely have shutters because through this we can create an amazing light effect. We would really like our office to be quite big but look full of odd bits and pieces so therefor we want to fill it with many old books, newspapers, bit of paper, documents. The walls should have framed qualifications that the detective has gained as well as one of those suspect charts. The room should have a dark but smoky atmosphere. The picture is definitely the image we are aiming for.

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