Friday 14 December 2012


Our thriller theme is very old fashioned so we will need to use a variety of props to represent our time frame. In the first room, of the scene where the sectary is working will be very simplistic, with a large wooden desk, an old fashioned lamp and a typewriter. The lamps should also be in the office of the detective.

In his room, there shall be a large wooden desk with a leather chair behind as well as one or two in front depending on their size. There should be wooden shutters giving the light effect into the room. A old fashioned coat hanger should be in the corner of the room with his jacket and hat hanging on it. The room should be full with papers, in a messy sort of order. Somewhere in the room there should be an old fashioned radio as well.

The smaller props within our scene will involve a fountain pen, a small gun, cigars and an ash try. Everything must have an old fashioned look to represent the time frame we are trying to pull off.

Hopefully most of these things we will be able to find around the school or in the costume cupboard, we already know that the school has a radio like this one. Hopefully we will be able to find our props easily otherwise we will have to look around our houses or search within charity shops which could have some thing of use for us for our thriller.

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