Friday 14 December 2012

Narrative Action

1. Women typing at a desk on a typewriter a mid shot from the from showing her breasts and lips but not her eyes having the stereotypical image of a secretary

2. Close up of her fingers typing on a typewriter she has cleanly cut nails with red nail polish

3. The Titles will appear as she is typing on the paper coming out of the typewriter

4. Camera tracks into office

5. See a desk with an ashtray, some cigars, papers…

6. Close up on what’s on the desk papers saying top secret

7. Silhouette of Man In the corner smoking billowing puffs of smoke

8. Man walks to the desk and picks up a fountain pen and a paper pad

9. Man writes on piece of paper with a fountain pen

10. Close up on the message he writes “let the sleeping dogs lie”

11. It cuts back to reception

12. See lady who say “I need to see Mr carter”

13. She bursts into the office

14. She’s says “I know what happened to Freddie you will pay”

15. She pulls a gun out

16. He gets shot in the head

17. Secretary runs in “what happened to Johnny”

18. Close up on bullet wound with blood pooling out his head then there is a blackout and another bang of a gun

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