Tuesday 24 September 2013

Third concept for a music video

I saw a photo that gave me an idea to create a music video that could also include elements of the photo. The photo was black and white and it was a collage of pictures that looked as though they ha been taken in a photo booth.
I was not sure what song i could use for this video, therefore i was still open to suggestions.

The song would be sung as though it was from someone else's perspective like Mr Brightside, or the music video 'made in the USA' by Demi Lovato, where there is a main singer and then a story or someone else. 
I thought that a pretty girl could feature in the video, she came from a wealthy family and looked after herself. The boy she is with looks alternative, he is dressed in darker clothes with messy hair and a piercing. However in the photos they look extremely happy, with photos of them laughing together and pulling funny faces. I thought that the video could illustrate a story which comes from a girl who has good education and potential to do well in life. However she meets this boy, at first they are just messing around. Then it becomes more serious and they fall in love. However the girls parents do everything they can to try and separate them, the parents cut her credit cards, and take away her car (all superficial things - that you could live without). Finally the girl and the boy run away together. Then it begins to go downhill, the girl drops out of school, i thought we could show this by her storming out of a classroom after having an argument with the teacher, we could show shots of her then walking down the corridor laughing to herself (mentally she has become weird and perhaps unstable). She then has an argument with the head master and begins to trash his office by throwing papers up in the air and jsut watching them fall. From this i thought we could expand on this and then perhaps show how much she has changed. She could be living in a grubby house (like rihanna's video - we found love, towards the end) and she begins to argue with her boyfriend. Perhaps they could start physically fighting but this may be a bit to cliche. I thought then towards the end of the video, I could create a montage of the black and white video, they would begin with her and her boyfriend smiling as though they did when they first met, then it would go to her arguing with parents, then with the teachers then leaving school, she is then fighting with her boyfriend and crying etc. The video ends with her crying to herself in a small confined space.

this video idea is however a bit to cliche, but it may appeal to a wide audience. I do still however like the idea of using the black and white photo booth pictures. 

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