Sunday 10 November 2013

Editing Process

For our editing process we began by checking out of Final Cut Pro, we looked through all of the footage and by entering 'mm' we were able to mark the footage, for example on the shot of Lucy throwing up the cards i wrote 'Lucy wide shot slow motion throws cards'. This marking would help us when editing as we can quickly see what footage we need. 
Whilst looking through the footage we also created a 'bin' folder where we placed footage that we did not want to use. After this I created 9 different bins, one for each of our acts, and placed each of their footage into the bins. This organisation would allow us to access the footage quickly and know which ones we wanted to use. 
After looking through all of the footage we noted down why we weren't using some footage and however using the others. For example some of our shots had to be cut early because the music stopped playing, for another shot we could not use it because it was cut early as half of the act was not in the frame. 
We then synced all of the shots, matching the timer of the music to the timer of the filming. This made sure that all our acts would be in sync with the music and all in tune. 
After doing this I went through all of the shots again and cut out footage that we could use and kept the footage that we could use. 
This is a shot of us matching the footage and syncing it

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