Thursday 10 October 2013

Set Designing

Today during our lesson we saw a set designer who helped adviced us on how we should approach the set. So after the talk with the designer we decided on having a green screen that would be used throughout, So this means that we would be able to  add anything to the post production. We decided that we would also experiment with our filming techniques, for example when the singer is performing we could film the singer lying down and then film from above them. 
They also suggested that we did not need to use the star cloth as we could do this in post production, which means that we could add anything that we wanted, rather than being restricted to a star cloth. 
Not only this but they also suggested that we add some more characters doing different things to make it more interesting, for example we could have someone popping gum, or shooting a gun etc. Therefore from this we established that we need to do more thinking and adding to make it more interesting. 
I felt seeing the set designer was hugely successful; it helped to put our video into perspective and establish where we want to go from this.

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