Thursday 17 October 2013

Ideas And Influences

we like the idea of someone popping gum.

This is influence from 'we cant stop' music viedo, it is just weird but not serious things taking place

The idea of the kaleidoscope

I like the idea of people using sparklers and 
messing around with them to create
shapes and images

We could have people standing in a row doing this, or we
could do it in post production

A bear in a costume dancing randomly
set "fire" to the skate board

1 comment:

  1. This proficient blogging, with some detail. You have posted your animatic well but you need to blog a good evaluation of the process. I particularly enjoyed the the animatic and the need to visualise your final product and this has been demonstrated through graphic design and technical coding’s. I hope you understand how both the storyboard and the animatic can help you organise your shoot day. You have also blogged reflection on the set and I know that have revised your prop list. This needs to be blogged carefully and this will demonstrate skilled planning on your behalf and recognition of the need to logistically plan your shoot. After half term you will be getting ready for the shoot – so please make sure you are!
    The blogging of your research into the CD covers and websites is proficient – you have chosen a good range of images for your inspiration and have attempted to state what they share in common and what influences you take from them. Bu they could be presented in a better way as an online presentation. This is good work that you were expected to achieve, well done.
