Wednesday 3 October 2012


The opening shows a girl sitting on the floor next to a telephone. With a bag containing something in it which we don't know about. This scene is shown by a long shot. The very little lighting given durning this scene makes the audience feel the dark mood the women is in. With her black hair covering her face; it will make the audience think that she has  a dark and dangerous personality, and is trying yo cover it with her hair.

We don't know who this girl is, we don't know what is in the bag and why she is hiding her face. This makes the scene even darker and mysterious.

Slowly dark music gets louder, which gives the audience the feeling that tension is building up, the audience now thinks that something bad is about to happen. Suddenly all the tension gets broken by a phone ringing, then the shot zooms in on the telephone, showing that the call is important.

From that point on the pace speeds up, with the music having different beats. The editing also speeds up, with the scene of a finger in a glass of water, and a random woman staring at a syringe injection. All of this gets the audience more focused by the fast action pacing trailer, still including a tint of mystery because there is no dialougue.

Afterwards we see a midshot if the woman injects the syringe into a man's stomach, with a reaction shot of the man in pain. This little clip then hints the audience that this could be a horror film because in a way it is asking the audience, whether to kill the the man or not, and why she would do such a horrible thing. All of this leaves the trailer full of mystery.

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