Friday 28 February 2014

Task 4 - How Did You Use Media Technologies in the Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?


In the preproduction I used a few different media technologies that allowed me to prepare for the music video.

I used the internet as a research tool during the preparation of the music video. I used search engines such as Google to research our target audince and other bands/artists in the same genre, essentially C2C themselves and what their star image is although that wasn't what we were going for, but still it would have helped my understanding of this genre and this song better as well as what i can do with our own made up star. I also used sites such as soundcloud to listen to similar kind of songs and soundcloud is considered as the youtube(a site where you can upload video clips and watch freely)  for audio clips.

I also use mobile phone technology to upload pictures of the studio on to our blog so i can plan the set design and work with the space given. This also enabled us to record our progess and planning. I used my Samsung Galaxy S4 to digitally record, this technogly allowed me to personally upload my thoughts and views, posting this Blogger and enabling me to have a visual digital record of my planning progess. Using my phone I was also able to take pictures of group work that we were doing on paper and post a digital copy eg set designs and mind maps.

Additionally in the pre-production process I created an animatic storyboard where I used Final Cut Pro(A professional editing software) to piece together my animation and all the shots. I used a wav audio soundtrack of the song that played over the top of the sequence. Additionally this help me structure and prepare the real music video and give me an idea of what order the shots should go in. 
Research and planning the animatic:

Post Production:
In the post production I designed the website using a site called WIX. is a cloud-based web development platform that allows users to create professional HTML5 websites and mobile sites, through use of their online drag and drop tools. Users can add functionalities such as social plug-ins, eCommerce, contact forms, email marketing, and community forums to their websites using variety of Wix developed and third-party application.

Tutorial on how to build a site with WIX:

Digital technology enables me to think with a wider view and inspires creativity, allows decisions to be make and aids progress. It inpires creatively as the use of photoshop enable us to create a digitpak that won't not be possible without digital technology . It allows decision making as the order of the shots and which shots to use was made  when using the final cut pro software. Finally it aids progress as it has allowed us to produce a successful medi acampegin and music production.

1 comment:

  1. Highly proficient blogging - you could add some detail on these technologies being convergent and evaluate your role as a prosumer! Also consider how you could share and collaborate. More needed on WIX as a digital technology?
