Friday 10 January 2014

Task 1

We used a lot of media conventions in our music video. We watched a lot of music videos that were in the same genre as our song so we could get an idea of how to make ours with real life influences

For our digipak we used the normal convention of a picture of the artist on the front cover, most CD covers use this, and we used it because it attracts and audiences interest as they know whom the artist is. The bright and lively colors that we used are commonly seen in dance music videos and on CD covers, so we wanted to use the convention so that it will cause the target audience that we are aiming for to look at our CD and so it will gain popularity. On the back cover of our digipak we have the track listing of the songs on the album, this is a convention that all CDs use because they have to show the songs on the album so people will buy it. We have a barcode on the CD also, on the back, which is another convention of most albums, and it is in the bottom left corner, which is also a normal place for it to be.

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