Tuesday 28 January 2014

Feedbacks From Focus Group

Feedback from youtube music video

Here are some screen shots of the stats on our music video from youtube:

As you see from the demographics most of our viewers are female based in the UK, more than half of them have watched the video from their phone.
99 percent of the viewers watched it through their Computer.
There are up and downs for the amount of views and each time we share the video on facebook the views goes up and after 1 day or say it comes back down again.

Questionnaire on Luella Rouge

Questionnaire 1

Questionnaire 2


Prezi is a online presentation software and storytelling tool for presenting ideas and virtual canvas. It works with a zooming user interface which allows us to zoom in and out of the presentation and allows users to display and navigate through information within a 2.5D or a parallax 3D space on the Z-axis. We are going to use Prezi to do our evaluation task 3.

Link to prezi: http://prezi.com

Here's an example of a Prezi:

Friday 24 January 2014

Focus Group

A focus group is a qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their preferences, opinions and belief towards a product, service or concept but in this case it's gonna be about our music video and the marketing campaign for the artist which are the CD digipack and the website.
we are gonna be organizing our focus group by asking around 5 people. 

Email to audiences for monkey survey

After we made our survey on monkey survey, we sent it to around 20 people with the link to the survey the music video as well as the website. 

Preparation for task 3

As a group task on preparation for our Task 3 : Audience feedbacks. we have to come up with at least 20 questions on both demographic and Vals, which stands for Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles. In this task we are encourage to use monkey survey to help us create questionnaires. after we came up with 20 appropriate questions, we then have to come up with an introduction for our questionnaire to send out at the same time of the questionnaires, in order to point out our purpose of sending out these questionnaire and what we aiming them to do. 

Friday 10 January 2014



Task 1

We used a lot of media conventions in our music video. We watched a lot of music videos that were in the same genre as our song so we could get an idea of how to make ours with real life influences

For our digipak we used the normal convention of a picture of the artist on the front cover, most CD covers use this, and we used it because it attracts and audiences interest as they know whom the artist is. The bright and lively colors that we used are commonly seen in dance music videos and on CD covers, so we wanted to use the convention so that it will cause the target audience that we are aiming for to look at our CD and so it will gain popularity. On the back cover of our digipak we have the track listing of the songs on the album, this is a convention that all CDs use because they have to show the songs on the album so people will buy it. We have a barcode on the CD also, on the back, which is another convention of most albums, and it is in the bottom left corner, which is also a normal place for it to be.